Monday, October 17, 2011

The Levels of the Scholars
Author: Shaykh Ahmad Bazmool

Not every person who puts himself forward to teach the people, or gives lectures in gatherings is qualified to be a scholar, because those who put themselves forward are of different levels.

Amongst them is level of the scholars who are able to practice Ijtihaad unrestrictedly – they are the people of Fatwaa, and they are the ones who are the reference point during Nawaazil.

Amongst them is the level of the scholars who can practice restricted Ijtihaad in specific affairs.

Amongst them is the level of the students of knowledge who have not reached the level of the scholars.

Amongst them is the level of the commoners who learnt a little about the religion and then put themselves forward to lecture and call to the religion of Allaah.

Amongst them is the level whom knowledge can never be taken from.

You must know these levels and differentiate between them, and you must know that not everybody who puts himself forward to teach the people is qualified to give Fatwaa to them.
The benefit of knowing the levels of the scholars, is to know which level to return to in each issue, and whose opinion amongst the scholars we are to follow.

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