"And We had certainly brought them a Book which We detailed by knowledge - as guidance and mercy to a people who believe.7:52"
And indeed We have brought them, that is, the people of Mecca, a Book, the Qur’ān, which We have detailed, [which] We have made clear through tidings and the Promise [of reward] and the Threat [of punishment], with knowledge (‘alā ‘ilmin is a circumstantial qualifier, in other words, ‘knowing what has been detailed in it’), a guidance (hudan is [also] a circumstantial qualifier referring to the hā’ [the suffixed pronoun of fassālnā-hu, ‘which We have detailed’]) and a mercy for a people who believe, in it.Tafsir al-Jalalayn
Revealed by God to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the 7th century, and revered by Muslims as being God's final Scripture and Testament, its words have been lovingly recited, memorized, and implemented by Muslims of every nationality ever since.
It deals with all the subjects which concern human beings: wisdom, doctrine, worship, transactions, law, etc., but its basic theme is the relationship between God and His creatures. At the same time, it provides guidelines and detailed teachings for a just society, proper human conduct, and an equitable economic system.
Note that the Quran was revealed to Muhammad
in Arabic only. So, any Quranic translation, either in English or any other language, is neither a Quran, nor a version of the Quran, but rather it is only a translation of the meaning of the Quran. The Quran exists only in the Arabic in which it was revealed.http://www.islam-guide.com/ch3-7.htm
It was through the last Messenger that this world first heard of it.It is certainly is the divine scripture that is to be accepted by all, upto the very last man.
The term Qura'n has the meanings of 'the recitation', or 'that which is to be recited' and of 'that which is recited' and of 'that which is recited'.
A Book whose verses have been detailed, an Arabic Qur'an for a people who know,41:3
A Book (kitābun, the predicate thereof) whose signs have been set out in detail, [whose signs have been] expounded through [various] rulings, stories and admonitions, as an Arabic Qur’ān (qur’ānan ‘arabiyyan, a circumstantial qualifier referring to kitābun, ‘a Book’, by qualifying it adjectivally) for a people (li-qawmin is semantically connected to fussilat, ‘set out in detail’) who have knowledge, [who] understand this [fact] — and they are the Arabs;Tafsir al-Jalalayn
The term Furqan has the meaning of 'criterion'.
Blessed is He who sent down the Criterion upon His Servant that he may be to the worlds a warner -25:1
Blessed, exalted, is He Who revealed the Criterion (al-furqān), the Qur’ān — called thus [al-furqān] because it has discriminated (faraqa) between truth and falsehood — to His servant, Muhammad (s), that he may be to all the worlds, [to] mankind and the jinn, but not the angels, a warner, a threatening of God’s chastisement.Tafsir al-Jalalayn
The term Tanzil has the meaning of 'sent down' or 'revelation'
And truly, this (the Quran) is a revelation from the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists),26:192
Truly it, the Qur’ān, is the revelation of the Lord of the Worlds,Tafsir al-Jalalayn
The term dhikr has the meaning of reminder or remembrance.
Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Quran) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption).15:9
Verily it is We (nahnu emphasises the subject of inna, or [functions as] a separating pronoun) Who have revealed the Remembrance, the Qur’ān, and assuredly We will preserve it, against substitution, distortion, additions and omissions.Tafsir al-Jalalayn
The term Kitab has the meaning of scripture or book.
Indeed, We have sent down for you (O mankind) a Book, (the Quran) in which there is Dhikrukum, (your Reminder or an honour for you i.e. honour for the one who follows the teaching of the Quran and acts on its orders). Will you not then understand?21:10
Now We have sent down [as revelation] to you, O clan of Quraysh, a Book in which there is the remembrance that is yours, for it is in your language. Will you not understand?, and so believe in it?Tafsir al-Jalalayn
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